We are pleased to announce that a brand new mobile Web course is open for registration: “Mobile Web 2: Applications” will provide you with all the knowledge you need to write mobile Web applications that can ship both online and in application stores, using today’s advanced technologies.
During this course, participants will:
- Understand the specifics of developing Web applications for the mobile environment.
- Learn the latest HTML5 and Javascript APIs that are actually usable in real-world environments.
- Discover the options at your disposal to package applications so that they work offline or can be shipped to application stores.
- Be informed about what technologies are coming next so that you will be ready to use them when they become broadly available.
Developped by the W3C/MobiWebApp team, and taught by Robin Berjon, W3C Device APIs working group chair and newly elected TAG member, this new course will last 8 weeks, with a start date of 12 March 2012. Read the course description and register quickly before 1 March to benefit from the early bird rate(165€).