Smarter Mobile Web Apps with Best Practices Standard

14 12 2010

MWA BP cards

We’re proud to announce that the Mobile Web Application Best Practices specification has been published today as a W3C Recommendation. In other words, the Best Practices are a Web Standard!

The guidelines, developed by key mobile Web stakeholders, offer practical advice for the easy development and deployment of mobile Web applications that work across many platforms. They also indicate how to design Web applications that are efficient, well-suited to different contexts, and which boost the overall mobile user experience.

We had already mentioned the Mobile Web Application Best Practices cards in a previous post. The cards summarize the statements explained in the new standard. Please note that the cards got translated and are now available in English, French, Korean, SpanishSwedish and Hebrew.

Tim Berners-Lee at Over the Air 2010: what open data means for mobile developers

8 09 2010

Sir Tim Berners-Lee, W3C director and inventor of the Web, will be delivering a keynote talk on Saturday 11 September at the Over the Air mobile developper event.

Tim has been a vociferous proponent of open data, especially in government, and will be talking about what open data means for mobile developers. Tim will also mention the importance of Web apps and not phone apps, arguing that if it doesn’t have a URL, then it isn’t on the Web and doesn’t get serendipitous reuse.

Over the Air 2010 is the third edition of a free developer event where developers, designers, enthusiasts, entrepreneurs and academics can come together to celebrate, discuss, learn, and geek out for 24 hours.