Workshop on future of Offline Web Applications

12 09 2011

W3C just announced an upcoming workshop on one of the key aspects of the development and deployment of Web applications, in particular on mobile devices: the ability to install them and keep them working while offline.

The workshop aims at identifying a clear path forward for innovation in the Open Web Platform related to offline Web application invocation and use.

The workshop will be held on November 5 2011, hosted by Vodafone in Redwood city in California, right after the W3C annual TPAC week of meetings in Santa Clara.

If you want to contribute to the discussions, please submit a position paper by September 30, as described in the call for participation.



One response

28 10 2011
Workshop Papers on Offline Web Applications « MobiWebApp

[…] announced a few weeks ago, next week a W3C workshop dedicated to offline Web applications will take place in Santa Clara, […]

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